2016 Dating Site Reviews In Usa

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2016 Dating Site Reviews In Usa

Many people have wondered about Ukrainian and Russian ladies’ popularity among men from the Western countries. Is it their exotic beauty or charm or intellect, or all of the above? In this text, we will try to elucidate the issue of beautiful Ukrainian women’s attractiveness to men all over the globe. First, we will attempt to list all the characteristics of Ukrainian brides, focusing on those that differentiate them from other women, especially American ones. Next, we’ll discuss the subject of Ukrainian women’s beauty and what to do if you want to win their hearts. Finally, we will provide a comprehensive guide for using an online dating website including the ways to avoid internet fraud.

But before all that, let us consider why so many gorgeous single Ukrainian women are looking for husbands via an online agency. If you’re a newbie in online dating, the sheer number of attractive women looking for romantic partners is bound to baffle you. You might even think the photos posted on various sites are digitally altered or simply falsified. What other credible explanation could one think of for so many good-looking women searching for husbands on the internet? Well, we’ll try to shed some light on that, and hopefully, after reading this article, you will be reassured and ready to try finding a special someone for yourself online.

Hot women for marriage: a Ukrainian phenomenon?

Although it is a big country with over 40 million inhabitants, still, only a small fraction of the world’s population live in Ukraine. And yet, a considerable percentage of young women with profiles at dating services’ websites come from this country. It is our understanding that this type of disproportion stems from several sources:

  • Difficulties that Ukrainian women face when attempting to find husbands locally. Women outnumber men in this country significantly and finding a suitable companion is no easy task.
  • Economic hardship experienced by those living in Eastern European countries and their wish for a more comfortable life.
  • Specific looks and personality features of Ukrainian girls that make them especially desirable.
  • High demand for women with a particular upbringing typical of Ukrainian women for marriage.
  • Ukrainian women’s advantages over American women in multiple areas, including cooking, housekeeping, and child-rearing.
  • Accessibility of Ukrainian women to men from overseas via international marriage agencies.

Why are Ukrainian women so beautiful to American men?

Novels were written depicting the iconic beauty of Russian and Ukrainian women. If famous authors like Tolstoy and Dostoevsky were captivated by their charms to the extent that they wrote entire books about them, why would an ordinary man be any different? Of course, beauty is so much more than good looks; it comes from within, from the soul which is so specific in women of Eastern European descent. Having a soul almost as vast as their homeland, hot Ukrainian women illuminate the room with their inner light that shines on anyone standing near them. Men are drawn by their charms and frequently find them quite irresistible. Let us try find out why, exactly.

The principal Ukrainian women characteristics

Each woman is a unique individual, an inimitable piece of art, one might say. To claim that an entire nation of women has a set of characteristics is unrealistic. Nevertheless, a combination of genetic factors, societal influences, and family values that get passed down through generations, give Ukrainian women certain flair, style, and finesse. Ukrainian women characteristics include exquisite beauty, a mild-tempered, pleasant personality, culinary skills, and a family-centered approach to life. So, why are Ukrainian women so beautiful? What allows them to stand out from a crowd of women of all other nationalities? Is it their genetic heritage, or a specific set of environmental influences that make them so ravishing? One may never get to the bottom of this issue, and it’s much easier to accept it as a fact and get to know their character as well. Every woman has more to offer than meets the eye. In the case of hot Ukrainian brides, we can state that they undoubtedly have more merit than one can perceive at an initial glance. Although their physical appearance is stunning, it’s well worth getting to know them more deeply by spending time with them both online and in person.

As far as the personality characteristics of Ukrainian women brides go, there’s a whole spectrum of temperament types, ranging from quiet and discrete ones to hot sanguine spirits. If you want to spend some relaxing and peaceful moments with an unobtrusive wife who will understand your needs entirely, a Ukrainian woman is the best choice for you. You can just as quickly find a Ukrainian girl who is upbeat and lively who will be the heart of every party, a bundle of energy to lift your spirits. What do the two extremes and all those in-between have in common? They are kind, loving, devoted wives and excellent mothers, well-behaved and polite. They will show you respect and would never argue or contradict you in public. This does not mean they don’t have their own opinion on things, but they will not shout it off rooftops or advertise it publicly. All they have to say about important issues they will discuss with you in the privacy of your own home. Outside the house, they will be perfect ladies, gorgeous and well-mannered.

Ukrainian wives are absolutely perfect cooks, but they’re also keen to explore different cuisines and will invest their free time in enrolling in cookery classes. You’ll be pleasantly surprised to come home from work to a neat and tidy house smelling of delicious food prepared by your talented wife. What a story to tell your friends and coworkers and what a gratification to invite them to dinner from time to time. Throwing dinner parties is something Ukrainian women also enjoy as they present a perfect opportunity to socialize and show people what great hostesses they are. Ukrainian mail order brides will be well-liked by all your friends for their lovable character and even-tempered personality everybody appreciates. You will take pride in having one of them next to you at social events to which they will accompany you with grace and elegance that are so typical of them.

Marrying a Ukrainian woman, you will never have to worry about her prioritizing her career over family. Family values are actively developed in beautiful Ukrainian brides. Raising happy and well-behaved children while simultaneously paying attention to her husband’s needs is their primary concern. Most Ukrainian brides you meet through a Ukrainian marriage agency have university degrees, but they are always eager to better themselves in various aspects to make you proud of them. Being well-read, they are excellent conversationalists so that you could spend many pleasant evenings discussing literature or even politics with them. They will be interested in the lives of celebrities and follow the latest fashion which allows them to chat casually with your friends’ wives and girlfriends. They will most probably have something to say on any given topic but would never monopolize the conversation or impose their views on their interlocutors. Sounds fantastic, doesn’t it?

Ukrainian women VS American women: similarities and differences

All women crave attention, love, and kindness. A Ukraine girl for marriage is no different in that respect from her American counterpart. A display of affection, warmth, and consideration can go a long way with women from all over the globe. Nonetheless, a set of specific features differentiates Ukrainian women from American women.

First and foremost, Ukrainian girls are family oriented. While family values are losing ground to economic interests in the developed world, women with Eastern European background are less driven by financial prosperity. Living a comfortable life with husbands who provide for them is essential, but their contribution to the family’s budget doesn’t need to be equal to that of their husbands. Career is another thing that they wouldn’t put before family. If they can balance their work and home duties well, they will have a successful professional life.

On the other hand, if this proves to be difficult, family will always take precedent. Ukrainian women VS American women will not suffer for it, they will happily put their career on hold until their children have all grown up and left for college. With more time on their hands, they will concentrate on pursuing a career or even get involved with a charity or voluntary work. Ukrainian women are taught to care about other people and are always moved by someone’s misfortune and eager to lend a helping hand.

In contrast to American women who often dress casually and leave the house with no makeup and their uncombed hair pulled back in a ponytail, no Ukrainian girl would behave similarly. Mail order Ukrainian brides are utterly meticulous about the way they look, not just to impress the people around them but also because they love feeling feminine and ladylike. No heals are too high, and no dress is too tight-fitting for their perfectly shaped bodies. At the same time, their behavior is in no way provocative. They are quite shy and modest, almost as if unaware of the attention everyone’s according them. It’s impossible not to notice them in a room full of people, and yet this doesn’t make them conceited or smug.

Step-by-step guide on how to win a Ukrainian women's heart

  1. Self-confidence. When you date Ukrainian women, you cannot afford to be insecure. Even if feeling a little apprehensive or unsure of yourself, do not show it. They admire a strong and dominant man because he makes them feel protected as if nothing bad could ever happen to them around him. Behave manly and allow them to be guided by you and not vice versa. Gender equality plays no role in a relationship with a Ukrainian woman. This, of course, by no means implies the woman ‘should know her place.’ But then again, it’s not really what being manly is about.
  2. Masculine look. Since Ukrainian women are extremely feminine, they need you to be the exact opposite: remarkably masculine. A macho look has perhaps gone out of fashion in the West, but it’s still a preferred appearance for men when you ask a woman from Ukraine. Don’t be afraid to grow a beard – whether it’s a full beard or a goatee; you will indeed look sharp and manly. Just remember – either with a beard or clean shaven – always try to be well groomed and dressed if you’d like to project an attractive image.
  3. Be considerate. Thoughtful gestures and small tokens of appreciation can help you in your effort to discover how to win a Ukrainian women’s heart. These can include finding out what flowers she likes and then sending her a bouquet, or surprising her with a visit to a gallery showing the works of her favorite artist. Also, never pass on an opportunity to treat her like a lady: offer her a hand as she gets out of the car, open doors for her, and compliment her looks. Unlike American women who might find this cheesy or even offensive, Ukrainian mail order wives are sure to appreciate it.

Choosing a service offering Ukrainian mail order brides

Successful online dating demands that you chose a reliable dating site. A dependable dating agency always provides complete confidentiality and goes to a great length to protect your privacy. As a legitimate Ukrainian dating site, we deliver services of high quality with the sole aim of bringing two lonely souls together. Wanting to find your significant other is a universal wish, one that both our female and male clients express strongly. Being alone sometimes makes one feel incomplete – as if an essential part of life is missing. An accessible solution to this problem is to “mailorder Ukrainian brides.” But what does this expression mean? Surely you cannot order a person to be delivered to you by registered mail! It’s just a manner of speaking which implies that the dating part of your relationship is predominantly done via the internet since the woman you date is geographically distant. The next step is for you to fly to Ukraine to meet your bride-to-be in person. If everything goes smoothly, she joins you in the US. She gets “delivered” to you as ordered, so to speak. Of course, all of this implies that both parties consent to this arrangement and that the marriage is made to mutual pleasure.

How could an American man get to know a woman from a Ukrainian brides club? First of all, he needs to fill out a comprehensive registration form on an online dating site. The comprehensiveness pertains mainly to the specific features and qualities he is looking to find in his future bride. He is not obliged to share any overly personal information about himself until he’s ready to proceed to the step of meeting his chosen woman in person. Likewise, credit card information is taken to charge membership fees and kept on a secure server. We take full legal responsibility for any misuse, but we can assure you that no such thing has occurred in over ten years our agency has been operational.

Women interested in joining our agency are asked to supply as many details as they can on their personality features and special interests. This is done with the purpose of making the matchmaking job more efficient as we would hate to waste our customers’ time by connecting them with mismatched persons. A profile picture is also required and, should the future bride not have one, a professional photographer is assigned to provide it for her. The male website user has an option of entering his preferences into a filter so that he is only offered to chat to women with the corresponding characteristics.

Being entirely aware of the possibility of internet fraud, we double-check the credentials of all women who chose to join our agency’s database with scrutiny. Their marital status is triple-checked. In that way, you can calmly chat with Ukrainian women online without having to worry about being scammed or suffering a financial loss. When economic issues are concerned, we also have your best interest at heart. We offer different packages that include a varying number of services so that you can choose the one that fits your needs best. We regularly advertise special offers and discounts, especially during the holiday season. It is our sincerest belief that no one should spend holidays alone, and bringing two lonely people together is our mission.

After having communicated with Ukrainian brides online and deciding that you like one more than the others, meeting her in person is something you would probably be eager to do. The distance between you two might seem like an insurmountable obstacle at first, but you don’t have to worry about that either. Our agency also organizes trips to Ukraine. Our dedicated staff will take charge of all your traveling arrangements, meet you at the airport, drive you to your hotel, and make the proper introductions with your Ukrainian date. Should a language barrier present itself, a translator will be provided to you to ensure no misunderstandings occur in communication. Our translators are extremely friendly and also serve as tour guides allowing you to experience your chosen woman’s hometown to the fullest. You will have a valuable insight into how and where she was brought up, what her childhood could have looked like, etc. Speaking with your Ukrainian bride about her hometown could prove to be a useful ice-breaker. It will also demonstrate your interest in her and everything around her, which she will surely appreciate.


Finally, although you will never be able to buy a Ukrainian bride, as purchasing human beings is not possible; you can meet your future Ukrainian spouse on our site. While browsing through our photo database, someone is bound to catch your eye. Then, you can look through her profile and make sure that your personalities and life values match before you decide to invite her to chat with you. The first message you exchange with your chosen lady is free of charge which is a good-luck wish from our agency for your future communication and hopefully future marriage. We hope you have a splendid time using our services.

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Facts Summary for Plenty of Fish

PlentyofFish Media, Inc. (which is owned by Match Group, which is owned by InterActiveCorp (IAC))
British Columbia, Canada
Business Started:
Brands & Partnerships:
Plenty of Fish (POF)
94 [2018 #7]
Main Service Areas:
United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, International
Service Available Via:
Website, iOS and Android
Number of Languages:
11 [2019 #8]
Number of Members since Launch:
150 million [2017 #3]
Number of Active Members:
4 million per day [2017 #3]

Plenty of Fish History Summary

PlentyOfFish.com (POF) launched in 2003 and was founded by Markus Frind. Traffic to the dating service quickly followed primarily from Canada (where POF is based) and the United States. This was right at the time when Google Adwords got its start. The Plenty of Fish website was an ideal vehicle for Google's new advertising platform. Thanks to Markus also keeping a personal blog about him and how he ran his dating site by himself he got increased media exposure especially when he posted a picture of himself with his first $1 million plus check he got from Google for payment. In 2008 Plenty of Fish opened up it's first office and hired it's first of many employees.

Plenty of Fish was one of the first dating sites which was free to use. It remained free until 2009 when it started to offer and upgraded membership which included extra features like finding out if your mail was read. In 2011 PlentyOfFish.com went through a rebrand and shorten their domain to POF.com. At this point the dating service had more than 30 million members. In 2015 Markus sold POF for $575 million to The Match Group and soon after left the company he built. At this point POF had 100 million users and it is estimated that 500,000 are paid members. POF also had about 3.5 million daily active users which about 85% of them used the service via the mobile app.

In 2019 POF went through a rebrand and received an update not only to their logo and color scheme but to the user interface as well. In 2020 POF went a step further and redesigned how the service would work. They introduced 'Likes' (instead of using Yes) and dropped a number of features including Favorites, Testimonials, In Person Events, Ultra Match, and their relationship/personality tests. The apps and website now both pretty much have the same feature set (except for Live! which is only available on the app).

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  • Match Group Inc. (company)
    • Chemistry (brand)
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    • POF.com (Plenty Of Fish) (brand)
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Plenty of Fish Facts By Year

Online dating reviews


  • General Information
    • POF is the recipient of the 2021 Dating Sites Reviews Editor's Top Pick Free Award. [1]
    • POF is the recipient of the 2021 Dating Sites Reviews Editor's Top Pick Over All Award. [2]
    • POF is the recipient of the 2021 Dating Sites Reviews Single's Choice Silver Award. [3]
    • The POF website and app experienced over 12 hours of downtime due to a hardware failure. [4]



  • General Information
    • POF is the recipient of the 2020 Dating Sites Reviews Editor's Top Pick Free Award. [1]
    • Plenty of Fish will be getting several new safety features this year. This includes a panic button for users to be used in emergencies, photo verification for profiles, the ability to detects inappropriate messages sent by users, and an updated in-app Safety Center. [2]
    • POF is the recipient of the 2020 Dating Sites Reviews Single's Choice Silver Award. [3]
    • In April the POF app launched a livestreaming featured called 'Live!'. The underlying technology is powered by software developed by The Meet Group and allows live private video streaming between 2 people or public streaming to many. [4]
    • POF officially launches NextDate which is like virtual speed dating, where users have the opportunity not only to meet new people but also win prizes for participating. [5]
    • POF auditing 70 million images for their face filter ban. [6]
    • POF created an initiative dubbed The Member Pod. It is an advisory council made up of 6-10 POF members that will work with product, design and marketing teams to help “drive product innovation”. [6]
    • POF has updated their website and apps several times since April: [7]
      • The apps and website have been streamlined and now both contain mostly the same features.
      • Likes have been added which has replaced the Yes in Meet Me. You can now Like profiles almost anywhere you see a profile
      • There are no more Favorites, you must use Likes instead (except in Live)
      • Features that have been removed from the website that the apps never had (or had in the last few years) include the 5 Personality/Relationship Tests (Relationship Chemistry Predictor, Is Your love interest a Keeper?, Relationship Needs Assessment, Psychological Assessment, Seduction Style Guide (The Sex Test)). Since no tests exist anymore, Ultra Matches has been removed. Testimonials have also been removed along with In Person Events, Flirts, and Virtual Gifts (except in Live)
    • POF adds Blind Date to the NextDate game found on Live! [9]
    • NextDate on average gets played over 100,000 times everyday. This includes both POF and other Meet Group dating services. [10]
    • Since the launch of the POF livestream feature in March, there has been more than 2 million matches through the feature. [11]
    • POF livestream has had over 5.5 million users as of November 2020. [12]
  • Finances
    • Of all the dating apps in the App Store and Google Play, POF earned the 9th most revenue overall in May of 2020. [8]



  • General Information
    • POF is the recipient of the 2019 Dating Sites Reviews Editor's Top Pick Free Award. [1]
    • POF is the recipient of the 2019 Dating Sites Reviews Editor's Top Pick Over All Award. [2]
    • POF is the recipient of the 2019 Dating Sites Reviews Single's Choice Silver Award. [3]
    • After 15 years the forums at POF will close at the end of June. [5]
    • A Events system is currently being developed to replace the POF events forum. The current events forums (found under the different states and provinces forums for the US and Canada specfic forums) still allows event hosts to post events and allows pof members to sign up for the event. [5]
    • In the last 5 years POF has had about 73 million downloads (Jan 2014 to June 2019). [6]
    • Plenty Of Fish bans profile photos with face filters since a recent study showed 70% of singles consider face filters to be deceptive. [7]
    • POF updates their logo, blog, website and apps with a new look. [8]
    • 17 million conversations are exchanged everyday on POF. [8]
    • POF is now available in 11 languages and in over 20 countries. [8]
    • POF Forum closes for good in late August. [9]
    • POF Singles Events App removed from the Apple App Store. Android version doesn't allow users to login and returns an error but is still available to install. [9]
    • POF.com adds multi-factor authentication which requires the member to supply a mobile phone number so they can receive a secret code via a text. This is required for any new device that the account holder uses to access POF.com and helps prevent unauthorized use of the account. [10]
    • POF Singles Events App removed from the Google App Store. [11]
    • POF adds Single Events support directly into their website. [11]
  • Finances
    • Of all the dating apps, POF earned the 7th most revenue overall (5th in App Store and it did not place in the top 10 in Google Play). [4]



  • General Information
    • POF plans to launch an entire suite of new features in 2018 called Conversation Powers. They will include voice calling and voice messaging. [1]
    • POF is the recipient of the 2018 Dating Sites Reviews Editor's Top Pick Free Award. [2]
    • POF is the recipient of the 2018 Dating Sites Reviews Editor's Top Pick Over All Award. [3]
    • POF is the recipient of the 2018 Dating Sites Reviews Single's Choice Free Award. [4]
    • Plenty of Fish was in the top 5 favorite dating apps in the US and the UK. [5]
    • The POF dating app is one of the best at holding onto their users long-term. [5]
    • According to App Annie Plenty of Fish is the second most downloaded dating app in the United States. [6]
    • Malgosia Green has been appointed as the new CEO of POF. She starts on April 23. [6]
    • According to LinkedIn, POF has 94 employees with 15% employee growth over the last two years. [7]
  • Members
    • POF users on average are between the 30 to 40 age range. [1]
    • 2.5 million users on the POF dating app have conversations everyday. [1]
    • It is reported that 78% of POF users admitted to being ghosted at least once. [8]



  • General Information
    • POF is the recipient of the 2016 Dating Sites Reviews Editor's Top Pick Free Award. [1]
    • 55,000 new members sign up to POF every day. [1]
    • On average 3.6 million people log on to POF and have 10 million conversations. [1]
    • POF says they create 1 million relationships every year and on average every 2 minutes a couple confirms they met on their service. [1]
    • POF is the recipient of the 2016 Dating Sites Reviews Single's Choice Award for a Free Dating Service. [2]
    • POf have redesigned a new look for their iOS and Android dating apps. [3]
    • PlentyofFish releases a study called Conversation Nation which looks 'into the attitudes, anxieties and behaviors of singles related to conversations today'. [3]
    • A new feature called Spark was launched which allows users to quote any part of a users profile to help break the ice. This has increased conversations by 15% on Plenty of Fish. [3]
    • Plenty of Fish can now be accessed through Google Home by using the Google Assistant. [4]
  • Members
    • POF has now more than 150 million registered users. [3]
    • On average 4 million users are active on POF everyday and 65,000 new users signup everyday. [3]
    • 30% of POF members find their match in less than a month on the service. [3]
    • POF members since launch have had over 1 billion conversations with 57 million of them connecting every week. [3]



  • General Information
    • According to Google, Plenty of Fish is the most search online dating service in 2015. [1]
    • POF is the recipient of the 2015 Dating Sites Reviews Editor's Top Pick Innovative Award. [2]
    • POF is the recipient of the 2015 Dating Sites Reviews Editor's Top Pick Over All Award. [3]
    • POF is the recipient of the 2015 Dating Sites Reviews Single's Choice Award for a Free Dating Service. [4]



  • General Information
    • POF has won the Editor's Top Pick Award for the Free Dating Site category. [1]
    • POF has won the 2014 Single's Choice Award for a Free Dating Site. [2]
    • POF.com is down for 9 hours on March 12, 2015. It has not been confirmed why the dating service went down. [3]
    • 75 people now work for PlentyofFish Media. [4]
    • After 5 years in business POF's sister site eVow has closed down. [5]
    • After acquiring the speed dating service FastLife 2 years ago, Plenty of Fish Media has closed down the service. [6]
    • POF.com is now a responsive website. This allows mobile users a more app like experience. [7]
    • POF App new feature includes free private and secure voice calling. [12]
    • POF App new feature includes the integration of Instagram. Upload to your POF account any of your Instagram images. [12]
    • The new Chat Head feature for the Plenty of Fish app allows you to quickly read and respond to messages while using other apps. [12]
  • Finances
    • PlentyofFish Media says they are on track to make $100 million this year. [4]
    • PlentyofFish Media is acquired by IAC's Match Group for $575 million. [8]
  • POF currently estimates 2015 revenue to be $80 million. 75% of POF's income will come from subscriptions and 25% from ads. [10]
  • Of POF's 100 million user, it is estimated that 500,000 are paid members. [10]
  • The acquisition of POF by InterActiveCorp (IAC) will be completed by December. [11]
  • Members
    • According to POF, 3 million members log into their service every day. They also have over 50,000 new signups per day. [1]
    • In 2014 the Plenty of Fish website and accompanying dating apps reached 90 MILLION registered singles (since the website launched in 2003). [1]
    • Every 2 minutes a couple confirms to POF that their relationship started on the service. [1]
    • Worldwide, POF has reached 100 million users in 2015. [4]
    • 80-85% of POF users use their mobile devices to access their accounts. [4]
    • POF has 3.5 million daily active users who have 9 million conversations (every day). [8]
    • PlentyofPersonality study released which looks at personality traits of 10 million profiles from 11 major U.S. cities. [9]

2016 Dating Site Reviews In Usa 2020



  • General Information
    • POF released a study that shows indicators which determine whether a user is more or less likely to receive a message. [1]
    • POF and eVow websites and dating apps both suffered a service outage on March 27, 2014 from around 6am to 11:30am. [2]
    • Plenty of Fish has 80 employees. In 2005 they had 3. [3]
    • The dating apps for POF on Android and iOS are the second most popular dating apps (Tinder is first). [3]
    • 90% of people under the age 35 visit POF via their phones instead of the website. [3]
    • Revenue is at an all time high but for the first time, this year POF has seen a decline in visits to its website. According to Alexa It now gets roughly the same number as the free site OkCupid. [3]
  • Members
    • The ideal man on POF is Christian with brown hair and an athletic build. He has earned a doctorate degree and now makes between $100,000 and $150,000 per year. [1]
    • The ideal woman on POF is Catholic, thin and 25 years old. She has earned a graduate degree of some kind. She is a dog owner who drinks often or socially. And she has been in a relationship for at least 3 years, but not longer than 8 years. [1]



  • General Information
    • POF launches a Wedding Contest for members who create a couple's profile. [1]
    • Plentyoffish Media Inc. replaced all web and database servers along with networking equipment in the last 12 months. [2]
    • The POF Chemistry Predictor will soon run on a CUDA cluster with 147,000 GPU cores. [2]
    • In 2012 Plenty of Fish was the top searched dating site on Google. [3]
    • Plenty of Fish releases a Blackberry 10 version of their popular dating app. [6]
    • To fight their hookup image POF will now only allow people with an age difference of +/- 14 years to contact each other. The Intimate Encounters relationship type will also be removed in a few months. [7]
    • More features become paid only on Plenty of Fish (including Date Feedback and viewing Extended Profiles). [8]
    • Along with the Intimate Encounters relationship type, people who are married will no longer be allowed on POF. [9]
    • POF will now automatically deleting first contact between users that contains sexual references. [10]
    • Contact is banned outright between users now who have an age gape greater than 14 years. [10]
    • Men cannot send photos anymore to women. [10]
    • The increased focus on hookups on POF is blamed on the users move to mobile. In a year and a half POF went from 20% mobile users to 70%. [10]
    • The dating site POF gets a small face lift in July. [11]
    • Plenty of Fish was the third most searched online dating site in 2013 on Google. [13]
  • Members
    • Users send up to to 30 million messages a day. [2]
    • POF mobile users make up 50 percent of all the mobile dating traffic. [2]
    • There have been 45 million registrations on Plenty of Fish since it launched. [4]
    • 40 thousand new people sign up to this dating site every day. [4]
    • POF has 2 million active daily registered users from the United States. [4]
    • POF has 550 thousand active daily registered users from the United Kingdom. [4]
    • POF has 450 thousand active daily registered users from the Canada. [4]
    • The average age of a POF user is 35. [4]
    • Plenty of fish has 4.3 million unique visitors a day and 432 million visitors in total on an average month. [5]
    • 67% of members earn $60,000 or less in income. [5]
  • Finances
    • Plenty of fish acquires FastLife which offers speed dating events for a wide range of interests. [12]
    • POF plans to invest $30 million over the next year in a number of companies. [12]



  • General Information
    • It looks like POF now has at least 40 people on staff (In 2009 they only had 4). [1]
    • Mobile apps on POF are responsible for 300 million visits and 3 billion page views a month. [3]
    • The 'Viewed Me' feature is now available only to paid members. [4]
    • POF launches a site called LuvMyBox which sends subscribers every month a box full of racy and romantic items. [6]
    • POF.com launches a new blog called The POF Blog:Catch of the Day. [7]
    • PlentyofFish Media Inc. now has 66 employees. [7]
    • Free members cannot view when another member was last online. This feature is only available when you upgrade. [8]
    • In 9 years (since launch in 2003) more than 20,000 single events have taken place. Events held mostly by POF members. [9]
    • 1 Plenty of Fish singles event had over 4000 members attend. [9]
  • Members
    • Early in January POF had 50 thousand sign ups in a single day. [2]
    • 40 percent of sign ups now com from mobile apps. [3]
    • 80 thousand singles from Brazil log in every day to POF.com. [5]
    • Between January and May visits from Brazil increased by 64 percent. [5]


2016 Dating Site Reviews In Usa 2017


  • General Information
    • On January 18 PlentyOfFish was hacked with user information and passwords being compromised. The security hole was quickly found and fixed. [1]
    • In Britney Spears music video for 'Hold It Against Me' you can see her surfing PlentyOfFish. [2]
    • Plenty of Fish had over 6 million logins in one day for the first time on May 15, 2011. [4]
    • The POF database has almost 20 billion pieces of data. [5]
    • Serious Membership and privilege of upgrading assessment replaced with a new membership that has increased pricing and some new features. [6]
    • Plentyoffish.com now redirects to pof.com. [6]
    • PlentyOfFish forum link now back at the top of the website. [6]
    • Audio and video chatting is now available on the website. [7]
  • Members
    • Plenty of Fish only accepts new users from Canada, United Kingdom, United States, Australia, Ireland, New Zealand, Spain, France, Germany and Italy. [3]
    • Available in the following languages:English, French, German and Spanish (soon Italian). [3]
    • Plenty of Fish now has 30 million registered users. [5]
    • Members sent 5.5 billion messages last year on the dating site (on average 15 million a day). [5]



  • General Information
    • The Lady Gaga video called 'Telephone' features the PlentyOfFish.com website. [1]
    • The Plenty Of Fish Chemistry Test is updated with a more advanced predictive statistical model. [2]
    • The old Instant Messenger / Chat feature is now available again on PlentyOfFish (May 2010). It was first removed back in April of 2009. [3]
    • On August 9th, PlentyofFish.com goes down for about 20 hours due to multiple system failures. [4]
    • At some point this year the link to the POF forums disappeared from the dating site. [5]
    • PlentyOfFish owner launches a new dating site called eVow. [6]
    • To send a gift, ice breaker or view a sent message status now requires members to use Goldfish Credits. They cost between 8 to 10 cents a credit. [7]
    • PlentyOfFish.com released their first TV commercial to be aired in North America. [8]
  • Members
    • On average 1.4 million members visit PlentyofFish every day. [5]



  • General Information
    • Paid virtual gifts are removed from POF. They only lasted 1 month. [1]
    • POF had a 77% increase of unique visitors from December 2007 too December 2008. [2]
    • Paid Upgrade option now is available on PlentyOfFish.com. It is called 'Serious Member Badge'. Costs range from $29.40 to $71.40. [3]
    • Plenty Of Fish uses 3 web servers, 5 messaging servers and 5 database servers. Their database of user information is 200 GB. [4]
    • Instant Messenger feature is removed from Plenty of Fish. [5]
    • POF tag line updated from '100% Free Online Dating' to 'Free Online Dating'. [5]
    • 3 new features are updated/introduced - Photo Uploader now offers real time editing, Profiles can now have themes, Date Night Feature added. [6]
    • The Flo Rida video called 'Available' features the PlentyOfFish.com website. [7]
    • POF claims that the 'Serious Member Badge' will increase your chance of a relationship by 230%. [8]
  • Finances
    • For the year 2008, the total cost to operate POF is a couple hundred thousand dollars with the majority of the money spent on bandwidth. [4]
  • Members
    • On average 900,000 members log in everyday on POF. [2]



2016 Dating Site Reviews In Usa Today

  • General Information
    • Anonymous calling is removed from Plenty of Fish since Jangl has gone out of business. [1]
    • Plenty of Fish now offers paid Virtual Gifts. Gifts range in price from $12 to $30. [3]
  • Members
    • POF members who are looking for a long-term relationship have a 55:46 male to female ratio. Members who are looking for a casual dating relationship is 5 men to every 1 woman. [2]


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