Dating Sites For Indians In Usa Who Grew Up In India

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There's a reason Americans ranked Thanksgiving as their second-favorite holiday after Christmas. It's a time to celebrate all the things we are grateful for and get together with loved ones for an epic feast. It's also the start of the holiday season in the United States, providing the foundation for many happy memories and lots of fun. You only have to look at these Thanksgiving quotes, Thanksgiving prayers, and Thanksgiving traditions to see how beloved the holiday is. But this rosy picture leaves out most of the real history of Thanksgiving.

©, Getty Images

Before you even google 'when is Thanksgiving 2021,' spend time learning the true roots of the holiday. Doing so will give you a deeper understanding of and appreciation for Thanksgiving, the traditions surrounding it, and the people who sacrificed so much. Yes, you can still settle down with family to give thanks. But it's important to know what you're celebrating and unlearn some long-held myths.

Did you learn the real history of Thanksgiving?

Chances are your grade-school understanding of the Thanksgiving story involved Pilgrims and Indians sitting down to a happy meal together and becoming fast friends. The lesson likely involved cartoons depicting settlers and Native Americans smiling in celebration, a possible mention of Pocahontas, and Thanksgiving crafts.

So what's wrong with that? Nearly everything, it turns out. For starters, Pocahontas, a member of the Powhatan tribe, died in 1617, four years before the first Thanksgiving. And according to the real history of Thanksgiving, settlers were hardly the kindly, giving Pilgrims we learned about in our youth.

How did Thanksgiving start?

Most of what we know about early American settlers comes from the journal of William Bradford, the first governor of Plymouth, Massachusetts. He notes that in 1620, the Mayflower brought the Pilgrims to Plymouth Rock, where they established a colony and began farming. The following year, they had a bountiful harvest and decided to give thanks for the food with a three-day celebration. Historical records show that there was indeed a meeting between the Pilgrims of Plymouth Colony and the Wampanoag tribe at this time.

But the Native Americans weren't honored guests. They likely weren't even invited.

Many historians now think that Wampanoag soldiers heard celebratory gunshots and screams from Pilgrim settlements. The Wampanoag assumed they were under attack, and because they had a diplomatic treaty of mutual defense with the Pilgrims, they sent 90 soldiers to the settlers' aid, explains Amy Jakober, senior communications officer for the First Nations Development Institute, a nonprofit dedicated to strengthening Native American communities and economies.

When was the first Thanksgiving?

The Pilgrims may have celebrated in 1620, but that wasn't actually Thanksgiving. So when was the first Thanksgiving? That occurred in the fall of 1621 in what is now Massachusetts. But here's a piece of Thanksgiving trivia: It didn't become well known until Bradford's journal was discovered and published by Sarah Josepha Hale, a magazine editor, in the early 1800s.

Hale was so taken with the story of that first Thanksgiving that she lobbied five U.S. presidents to make it a federal holiday. In 1863, President Abraham Lincoln finally declared Thanksgiving an official U.S. holiday, an act he saw as a step toward reuniting the fractured country after the Civil War. He put it on the calendar for the last Thursday of November.

In December 1941, President Franklin D. Roosevelt changed Thanksgiving to the fourth Thursday in November to avoid confusion in years where there is a fifth Thursday in November. He also reasoned that this change slightly lengthened the holiday season, which was good for the economy. Considering Black Friday is nearly a holiday in and of itself, it's safe to say he was right.

What did the first Thanksgiving look like?

The first Thanksgiving bore little resemblance to what we would recognize as a traditional Thanksgiving today, some four centuries later.

The event was a harvest festival with a mix of religious, pagan, and practical traditions dating back centuries. The pious Pilgrims centered the celebration around Thanksgiving prayers and gratitude to God for their bounty, but they also had bonfires, Thanksgiving songs, food, and gunshots that got the attention of the Native Americans.

Contrary to what you might've learned in elementary school, this was no potluck dinner where Pilgrims hung elaborate Thanksgiving decorations and Native Americans brought the roasted turkey. But there was a meeting, and they did share a meal together, according to Bradford. The Wampanoag people brought deer, and there was some type of cooked fowl, although it was most likely duck, not turkey. They also ate cranberries, vegetables, cornmeal, and pumpkin—but not in the form of pumpkin pie.

Why is the Thanksgiving story controversial?

Video: Thanksgiving is a time to be grateful, but here are the most hated Thanksgiving dishes (USA TODAY)

Thanksgiving is a time to be grateful, but here are the most hated Thanksgiving dishes

What's the harm in believing the happy version so many of us grew up with? It's just a cute story, right? This whitewashing downplays the long and bloody series of conflicts between white settlers and Native Americans that would occur over the next two centuries.

'Narratives of a harmonious Thanksgiving celebration were created to justify westward expansion and Manifest Destiny,' Jakober explains. The term 'Manifest Destiny,' coined more than two centuries after the first Thanksgiving, was the belief that settlers were destined by God to expand across America and prosper.

The 'simple' story also perpetuates myths that still harm Native Americans today, says Raymond Foxworth, PhD, a citizen of the Navajo Nation, a member of the board of directors for the Native Arts and Cultures Foundation, and vice president of grantmaking, development, and communications at the First Nations Development Institute.

What is the real history of Thanksgiving?

'The myths of Thanksgiving marginalize the truth of what really happened in North America. We need to understand, acknowledge, and share that true history,' Foxworth says. 'Only by doing so can we start to move toward healing and reconciliation between Native people and European colonizers.'

A good place to start: Get the facts about three debunked myths that Foxworth wishes people would understand.

Myths about Thanksgiving you need to stop believing

Myth: The 'first Thanksgiving' started the tradition that founded the holiday.

Truth: The harvest celebration of 1621 was not called Thanksgiving and was not repeated every year. The next official 'day of thanksgiving' was after settlers massacred over 400 Pequot men, women, and children. Governor Bradford's decreed, 'For the next 100 years, every Thanksgiving Day ordained by a governor is in honor of the bloody victory, thanking God that the battle had been won.' We should add that to our list of favorite Thanksgiving quotes as a stark reminder of the real history of Thanksgiving.

Myth: Pilgrims and Native Americans were friends that worked together.

Truth: This was true in some limited conditions, like the diplomatic treaty of protection. But more often, the settlers took what they wanted while tens of thousands of Native Americans died of diseases brought by the colonizers (sometimes intentionally), and more were captured and sold into slavery. Even Squanto, famous for translating and teaching the settlers how to farm native crops, learned those skills out of necessity after being kidnapped as a child and sold into slavery in Spain. He returned to Cape Cod to find that he was the only surviving member of his tribe.

Myth: The Pilgrims taught the 'uncivilized' Indians about Thanksgiving.

Truth: Many people still have a picture of Native Americans living in dirt and squalor until the European settlers enlightened them. Nothing could be further from the truth. Native Americans had large and complex societies long before settlers arrived. They already had established harvest celebrations, feast traditions, and holidays of their own. They were also well aware of the virtue of gratitude and had their own religious beliefs and rituals.

How can you help?

Once you understand the complicated real history of Thanksgiving, there are things you can do to celebrate the holiday in a meaningful way while respecting and honoring Native Americans, Foxworth says. You can also make new traditions with your loved ones.

Share the truth

Talk to your children and other loved ones about the real history of Thanksgiving. Correct myths when you hear them. Have open discussions in public places, like schools. You can also share this video made by Native Americans about reclaiming Native truth.


Avoid stereotypes in decorations and crafts

Be aware of how you represent Native Americans in crafts, media, and Thanksgiving table settings. For example, in some schools, students may make Thanksgiving crafts like headbands using feathers. 'But in many Native American cultures, feathers are highly religious articles, and presenting sacred activities in trivial ways can be highly offensive and disrespectful, even if it seems perfectly innocent,' Foxworth explains.

Dating Sites For Indians In Usa Who Grew Up In India

Rich Indians In Usa

Donate to organizations led and controlled by Native Americans

Donating money can go a long way toward helping, but not all charities are created equal. The First Nations Development Institute has compiled a list of hundreds of community partners that are working in Native American food sovereignty, language preservation, youth programs, community building, and asset building.

Learn more

Read books, both for yourself and with your children, that portray Native American and American history in an accurate way. Seek out books by Native authors. Talk to Native Americans and learn about their culture and how they celebrate Thanksgiving. Choose a book to share with your family on Thanksgiving.


  • Amy Jakober, senior communications officer for First Nations Development Institute
  • Raymond Foxworth, PhD, a citizen of the Navajo Nation, a member of the board of directors for the Native Arts and Cultures Foundation, and vice president of grantmaking, development, and communications for the First Nations Development Institute
  • The Harris Poll: 'Americans Weigh In on Their Favorite Holiday, Most Anticipated Eats, and How they Wash it All Down'
  • History of Massachusetts: 'Of Plymouth Plantation by William Bradford'
16/16 SLIDES

The post The Real History of Thanksgiving appeared first on Reader's Digest.

How You Can Find Your Perfect Indian Wife

Men always strive for perfection. This is especially noticeable when they are in a search for a bride. They dream of a beautiful, alluring, hot, and at the same time a clever, modest and faithful woman that can become an ideal wife and a caring mother. Agree that finding such a spouse is a tough thing in the States. That's why a great many western men prefer to seek their happiness abroad, in Eastern Europe or Asia in particular. One of the best destinations for this is India, the country of colors and spices. Choosing a bride for you from this country will be the cleverest step you'd ever make in your life in case you approach it with a high sense of responsibility. India is a densely-populated country, in fact, it's the second country in the world with the highest population. There are millions of young and attractive Indian women for marriage and one of them is definitely your perfect match. To find Indian wife, you can get a ticket and fly right to India! This way you will both enjoy your vacation and meet an Indian bride. However, you'll have to plan to stay there quite long, as it will take time to get a woman start dating you. Instead, you can create an account in an Indian dating website. With the abundance of marriage sites operating today, meeting a perfect Indian wife is more than possible. Make research and stop on a premier Indian dating and matrimonial website. Only a trustworthy service can bring together thousands of Indian women and men from the West. Be prepared to dedicate your time and efforts as it isn't easy to win an Indian woman's heart. It will take time to understand their culture, worldview, and religion (there are Christian, Muslim and Hindi Indians). Indian culture is a lot different from the western culture, hence be prepared to dig deeper into exploring them. First of all, remember to be sensitive and tactful as you may like far not all traditional traits they have. But accepting them the way they are, you will benefit immensely.

Secondly, in your search for a hot Indian wife, be as frank as you can. Don't register under a fake name and don't falsify your data. If you are not a tall handsome guy, don't pretend to look better than Brad Pitt. Neither ever exaggerate your income.

So, adhere to all these recommendations and don't lose your opportunity to meet Indian women online and fall in love with one.

Overcoming the Linguistic Barrier

India is a huge country with one of the richest cultures in human history. There are different languages used in the territory of India, yet Hindi is known as the official language. Meanwhile, English is recognized as the second most common language. What concerns the religion, Hinduism is practiced by more than 80% of the population, yet there are also plenty of Muslim and Christian Indians. So, you see that it is not obligatory to learn Hindi here, as most probably your Indian bride will master English quite well. This is very important. Once you take your Indian mail order bride to the States, you'll be calm your relatives and friends will be able to communicate with her. Your conversations, meanwhile, will be very interesting taking into account the differences in your cultures. You future children, too, will have a mother speaking their native language.

But if you want to impress her and her family, which is so important, it's better to learn a bit of Hindi. Taking into consideration the great importance of the concept of a family in India, you will need to do everything so that her family likes you. Otherwise, they might appear a barrier between you. You see you shouldn't be afraid of the linguistic barrier in your relationships with an Indian single.

The Importance of Family in Indian Culture

The most important institution in Indian culture is family. As a traditional, industrialized, Eastern society, it emphasizes such concepts as family loyalty, integrity, and unity. For an ordinary Hindu family, an extended family and kinship ties are the highest concepts. Therefore, an Indian family is described as a strong, close, stable, enduring, and resilient unity. In one house, there might be living up to four generations (involving aunts, uncles, grandparents, etc.). And all of them live harmoniously respecting each other. The head of a typical Indian family is the oldest member (grandmother or grandfather). Wives obey their husbands, take care of them and respect them. Indian wives are simply perfect when it comes to creating coziness and comfort at home.

When considering Indian brides for marriage, remember that your wife will always value her family traditions and take care of her family members. The same is expected of you. She will want you to be respectful of her parents, too. Accordingly, you should think of familiarizing yourself with the way you should act in front of them.

On the other hand, once you take home your Indian wife, she will be as loving and respectful to your parents and relatives as if they were hers. Such love and compassion is a unique trait, an undeniably attractive but rare among marriages met in the West. Such qualities of Indian women make them perfect mothers themselves. These women show love, care, and strictness in equal quantities when upbringing their children. Unhealthy parenting won't threaten your kids and your family! This is where Indian women are superior over American ones.

Why American Men Like Indian Brides

If you are here reading information about Indian brides then certainly you have noticed how amazingly different they are! These females manage to perform numerous tasks and at the same time look gorgeous! There is a number of qualities western men admire these women for. Here are the major points:

  • Appetizing skin tone

The skin tone of Indian girls is somewhat dusky. It is close to natural tan and gives them a unique attractiveness and understated elegance while camouflaging any blemishes they may have. Some girls also have an olive-tinted skin color. In the company with their mild husky voice that lends it a sensual tone, they become irresistible.

  • Luxury black hair

One of the most common traits of an Indian woman's appearance is the luxury hair. These women feature long charcoal-black (though most women dye their hair with henna) glossy hair.

  • Features

Indian brides don't have the stereotyped trendy features (high cheekbones, plump lips, snub noses, etc.). Yet, their broad foreheads, arched eyebrows, and big black or brown eyes that shine so brightly make them some of the hottest women in the world.

  • Attire

Modern Indian mail order brides wear trendy clothing. Yet, they do not discard the traditional saree. The latter is a traditional clothing attribute that goes perfectly particularly with an Indian girl's figure. It gives them a traditional, but so sexy appearance!

  • Caring attitude

These women are born caring. This feature accompanies them throughout their entire life. At first, they are caring daughters and sisters, then they become caring wives and mothers for their own families. To some extent, they are also self-sacrificing. When it comes to their family, these brides become fearless and ready to do everything necessary regardless of how ruining that might appear for themselves.

  • Multi-talented

All Indian women for marriage are ready housewives thanks to the training they get during their childhood. They are good singers, dancers, amazing cooks, know how to sew and stitch, are accurate drivers and excellent managers of their family budget. You see, these are indeed multi-talented women!

The Common Characteristic Traits Indian Singles Have

Western men looking for Indian girl for marriage want to be deeply informed about all the features their brides have. Most of the characteristic traits of Indian women are common, hence will most probably be met within their brides, too. Especially for them and you, here are the most commonly met characteristic traits of Indian brides:

  • Indian girls love cooking

Once you are invited to an Indian woman's house you will see how well she cooks. In fact, there seems to be no Indian woman who doesn't know how to prepare the most delicious traditional meals. These girls believe that food is the way to a man's heart and that their husbands must be always fed well. This means you will always want to come back home after a hard-working day to enjoy some really tasty spicy Indian food!

  • Indian females deeply value long term relationships

An Indian girl dates a man only to get married. You won't see an Indian woman hanging about in the club to go out with one guy and forget his name the next morning as most American women do. These girls are traditional and can go out only with their grooms or husbands. They are not ready for short-term relationships.

  • Indian brides are honest with their emotions

An Indian girl is always polite and sincere. If she finds a man's joke funny she will laugh encouraging him to speak further. These girls are not arrogant, but open to conversations. And as speaking is a traditional uniqueness the more you communicate with an Indian female the more you will want to discover her.

  • Indian brides are family-oriented

Being conservative is a national trait of Indians. For them, there can be nothing more important than a strong and peaceful family. And by building a family, they do not exclude their husbands' relatives. On the contrary, the deep respect toward the old makes them caring and loving toward their parents-in-law. Marrying an Indian mail order bride, you are going to build an extended and lively family where all members will be careful and loving toward each other.

  • The importance of money for Indian brides

When seeking a husband from a foreign country, Indian women want to pay attention to their solvency. This doesn't mean they prioritize money over human qualities, but Indian girls love luxury. They love precious jewelry and expensive saree, comfortable houses with opulent interiors. So, to win an Indian woman's heart, you must have at least a stable job with a good income.

Indian Online Dating

Finding a Bride

American Indians

Choose a reliable mail order website. There are hundreds of them; some are focused on Asian girls, some – on Russian. Read reviews about this website to be sure that it is not a fake for getting money from you.
The Process
Create an account. Write some interesting information about yourself. It will help a bride you would like to chat with to make a first impression about you, so don’t ignore this step and approach this very attentively.
Learn some information about the country, a girl from which you would like to meet here. This knowledge will help you be convinced of your choice and feel more confident. Try to view all girls that match your criteria before making the next step.
Make a choice and write to a girl you like. There are no limits – you can write to as many girls as you wish.

What Makes Indian Women Perfect Wives

An ordinary Indian wife plays several roles in the family. She is a devoted wife, a caring mother, a loving step-daughter, an amazing cook and a professional accountant of the family budget. All these qualities and many others raise these women in the eyes of foreign grooms. And if you dream of a marriage with an Indian girl, here are the main points that make Indians excellent wives!

  • Indian brides love their home

To every Indian woman, a home is a sacred place where a strong and healthy family should grow and develop. They deeply believe that a beautiful and tidy house inspires prosperity for the entire family. That's why they pay special attention to the cleaning of their houses. These women do everything possible to make their homes as comfortable and tidy as possible.

  • Indian brides are charming

In Indian culture, they believe that a beautiful woman is always interesting to her man. That's why they still maintain the ability to be attractive to their men even after marriage. To stay alluring and desired for their husbands, Indian wives make several procedures including henna, oil masks and massages, they wear luxury saree and apply heavy makeup. Additionally, these women organize romantic evenings for their spouses.

  • Indian brides make good mothers

The purpose of an Indian wife is raising their kids honest and respectful. Perhaps every Indian mother has her unique system of rules her children must obey. They encourage their children to believe in themselves, in their strength and abilities. But at the same time, they can also punish them for doing wrong. Indian mothers are always aware of their children's interests and needs, successes and failures. With a lot of patient and devotion, these women manage to raise such kids who are respectful to the old and caring for the young.

Dating Sites For Indians In Usa Who Grew Up In Indianapolis

  • Indian brides are always physically active

In Indian culture, they believe in the concept of a healthy soul in a healthy body. Accordingly, they always keep physically fit and eat healthy food. The same they encourage their husbands and kids. Physical activity is a must in every Indian woman's life.

Educated Indian Mail Order Brides

Dating Sites For Indians In Usa Who Grew Up In Indian

Basic education in India is free and available for girls as well. Even though the female population is still considered as a second-class citizen in most parts of the country, during the last couple of decades, the Indian society has started encouraging high education within girls. Modern Indian women strive to be educated and get specialization to build a career. Accordingly, your future Indian spouse will most probably be able to cope with nearly every standard stuff. The vast majority of women registered in Indian dating agencies have been educated in different universities either in India or abroad. Hence, if you are afraid you will have a few subjects to talk about with your Indian spouse, you needn't. You won't ever be bored with her. The mere difference in your cultures is enough to have endless discussions and subjects to speak about. And what's the most important is that Indian women have always prioritized family over any career and job. You can always be calm that your Indian wife will devote herself thoroughly to her family.

Indian Brides Handling Finances

Western men who are in a search for an Indian bride should know that Indian women know how to treat money well. You won't meet an Indian woman spending money without a sense of measure. These women know how hard it is to earn money, hence won't ever empty your credit card. They will not even take your credit card without permission. In this, you can trust your Indian spouse completely. Splurging money isn't what you can expect from an Indian wife. These women control the family budget and manage everything perfectly. This may include investment decisions concerning home, paying workers' salaries (if there are any), doing any shopping for home (food, household products, clothing, etc.), etc. According to many reviews left by American men married to Indian women, their savings have started to grow while living conditions have improved since their marriages.

Dating Sites For Indians In Usa Who Grew Up In India Wikipedia

So, the caring attitude Indian women have toward their husbands' earnings will promote in developing their families and living conditions.